22 juni 2010

My heart is touched by many...

awesome girls... I was put into the sunshine last week and 
many digi-friends scrapped for me.
To make me feel special after a few rough months..
I am moved, touched and feel loved.
Therefore I want to show you the love they gave me!

Sweeties, all of you a big thank you, this means the world to me!
by Kizzy

by Wendy

by Anja

by Shirleyke

by Sandra

by Rianne

by Petra

by Natascha

by Nadine

by Monique (moontjuh)

by Miranda

by Marianne

by Kathy

by my BFF Inge

by Hendrika

by Carmen

by Annemarie

by Anita

3 opmerkingen:

  1. WOW Sweet! Super you are dropping our LO´s so sweet they are made with love for you

    Love Wendy

  2. Mooi om ze zo allemaal bij elkaar te zien, ik heb het met veel liefde en plezier gedaan meis!!

    Liefs Miranda
